***What can we say...***

What can we say to a man..who has lost in his memories world ??
What can we say to a mom..who has lost a child ??
What can we say to a child..who has no food,or water ??
What can we say to people who have lost their jobs ??
What can we say to all those who regret their lives for a better future
{they thought so..}??
The only that we can say..to all those is..
To the man:
Be focus,in that you be came through the years
were passed from your shoulders..!!
To mom:
No words can say..!
To a starving child:
There will be a day to have them all you wish for !!
To the unemployed people:
Look in front..and try harder..There is a better change for you !!
To those they want a new chance in their life:
Get the challenge !!! Try it and prove your self..
that you can do the impossible !!
As you can see here..
we have for every one a advice to say..
But what if...all these advices..are worthless...
when something wrong happent to us ??
Then..no words are able to encourage ourselves..
No actions can make us feel better...!!
That means..one simple thing.
Dont give a promise if you cant keep it !!
Dont say a bunch of words,,just act !!
Try to stand beside to those they need you.
It`s not necessary to give them advices.
Just stand beside..holding their hand..
tauching their head..and say only this....
"I`m here..wherever you need me.."
It`s pretty enough...
You`ll see..
{thank you for reading me}
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