Friday, October 24, 2014

*Desire..or Jealous Somebody elses Life*

"*It`s better to feel happy with a few..than have a lot and
no pleased at all..!!!*"

Happens very often lately,as i `ve noticed..!!
Somebody wants anothers life or welthies..!!
But nobody..and i mean it.Nobody ever stop to
think a little ..before want this..
Does these people really have a special life..??
To be rich..doesn`t mean has no problems like the rest of us..
To be welthy..doesn`t mean hasn`t any sickness..
 or feels no missery into his palace..!!!
To be rich makes you selfish,yes..
But is so loneliness as been at the top..!!
Do you really want another`s life..??
Just think about it..
the next time..that you`ll be jealous of them..!!
{Thank you for reading me}

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

***To be yourself..needs sacrifices..!!!!***

Sacrifice your needs against the others...
Needs You to be strong to face up all the difficulties
which may come over you..!!
Needs You to be patient and optimist to handdle all in all.
Whatever that may be !!
Get out...Take a few strong breathes...
and face the challenge !!!!
Difficult to stay strong in these days..
But not imposible if you remain..
YOU !!!
*♥ anna*♥
{Thank you for reading me}