Saturday, June 29, 2013

*A serious decision to take*

You will come across many people in your life.
They will all have a purpose to fulfill.
It is you who has to decide
who stays in your life and who doesn’t.

Some will teach you a lesson..
and some will leave your soul wounded.
Some will love you for their selfish motives...
and some will love you unconditionally.
Some will cheat you, lie to you and stab you in your back.
Learn from the lessons life teaches you...
and don’t waste your time on people
who are there in your life for their convenience
and who never take you seriously.
Don’t allow people to use you for their happiness.
Just be Strong and don’t let anything break you...
or leave you shattered...!!
Don`t left fake people to destroy your inner world..
with their bad character and behavior..!!!
Choose wissely...
the people whom you want in your life…
Spent your life with people that they worth
your love and supporting..!!!
People that can make the difference in your life...
and brighter your future..!!!
The decision is YOURS !!!!!!!
*♥ anna*♥
{thank you for reading me}

***Thank you***

Thank you for loving me
for being that beauty
I saw..when you open me...
 the door of your soul..!!!
thank you for all you have given me
for all that you do...!!!
thank you for being that special friend
and loving me til the end...
thank you for letting me love you..
thank you for be here
when i need a shoulder to cry...
thank you for your patience...
thank you for your supporting on me...
thank you for staying beside me..
against all the odds and troubles
 we`ve get through..!!
thank you for loving me...
thank you for letting me love you..!!!
{thank you for reading me} no matter how many pages a book might has..
or how many have you already read on it..
That matters is..if you learn something during your reading...
if not has some interesting in..and you althou continue reading it...

with not get some excamples for
that you read about ...for your own good...
then is....
Better close this book...
and start reading another one...
for learning something more...
About all that they`ve happent in your life till now..!!!
Not just turn the page on this one..
it wouldn`t become better..!!!
Change the book !!!!
*♥ anna*♥
{thank you for reading me}

Monday, June 10, 2013

***There are some moments...!***

Sometimes..there are some moments..that you prefer to be away from everything and all.
There are some moments..that you want to hear your own thoughts..your own heart beats.
Moments in your part of time..
that they give you the impression..that it is only you..
you and the Universe.
You search ..up on space..
watching the stars as thrumbling..
shining in the darkness..
you.. looking for your answers..
in a simple question...
"What am i doing here..??? "
Well..the so ovience sometimes..
Look around you..!! What you see..??
The beauty of the creation..!!!!
Every that surround us with so unique..!!!
You..are unique..!!!!
When you`ll realize may understand..
and ask no more"What are you doing in here".
Because, HERE..has a purpose to compleced..!! Everything in here...must be thankful for excisting..!!!
You have your own enviroment to share
with billion of others..
that they make the same question with you..
They wonder..
And the answer simple..!!!
So,share your life with the others..
no matter what tomorrow might happens..!!!
Live your pressent Love and support eatch other..
Not spoil your life in wonders..
that you..already know the answer..!!!

Do it..and you will be thank me for the..!!
live your moments in life..!!
Moments..that they worth live for !!!!
God bless you all !!!
{thank you for reading me}

Sunday, June 9, 2013

***Love is Growing up***

The olders said:
When your kids are babies..
on their first steps..
they step on your toes..!!
But when they grow up...
they step..on your heart..!!"
But even it is so...

you not keep hard feelings..
cause you do love them so much..!!
Few the years..they will learn....
"The only pure"i love you"
that you ever heard
is from your parents lips..
and becomes up
from the blood
that is running to their heart !!!"
*♥ anna*♥
{thank you for reading me}

Saturday, June 8, 2013

***What if...???***

What`re not younger anymore..??
you have still a life to live !!!
What not meet friends...
that easily as before...
They still love you a lot..!!!
What not have someone...
to share your thoughts...
These could be..for any of us..
the same as yours..!!!
What have the feeling..
that you`re not belong in this world..??
What`re not respond
to your heart`s messages anymore...
She...may find the get you...home...!!!
*♥ anna*♥

{thank you for reading me}

Friday, June 7, 2013

***Be always..that is ..You !!!***

You not need to be famous...
You not need to be perfect either..!!!
You need to be and act..
as a normal human being..
with your mistakes..your faults...
Your actions and tries..!!!
Keep your heart pure
like a baby`s are..!!
clean up your mind
of bad thoughts and memories..!!
Try to support and understand eatch other...
This is the only ..
You trully needing...
You have to be..only...
YOU !!!!
*♥ anna*♥
[thank you for reading me}

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

***See..without see...***

I can see you...
without need to see you....
I can feel you..
without need to tauch you...
I can find you...
without need to
search for you....
My love is have you....
always into my heart !!!
*<3 anna*<3
{thank you for reading me}

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

***Holy Home Land***

Holy Home Land..
is the land you`ve been born...
Is the land you`ve grown up...
on the first years of your life...
Is the`ve been so happy ..
with no problems and doubts for your tomorrow..
With no fear for your future...
Is the land of your youth age....
is the land...where you want to return..
some day...and die there...!!
Wherever you go to live..
it will never be like your homeland..
Wherever you will go to stay...
would never be like your neibourhood...
The sky was clear blue...
the sun was so much shining....
the birds were singing every morning
and woke you up for the new day...!!
Wherever you go...
keep your homeland in your heart...!!!
It`s a holy place..
it`s the place you were born..!!!

Become famous
...or rich...
never forget...your homeland...!!
{thank you for reading me}

Sunday, June 2, 2013

***For our children....***

We are parents..??
Here is...a good be a good one..!!
Our children are all the world for us...!!
To understand them better...
we have to become...a child again..!!!
To return,in that magnificent age of 13s or 18s..
then..we were teens ourselves...!!!
How many arguments with our parents...
how many anger and troublemakers we were,
in that period of our teenage..!!
We have to remember our tough times..
so be able to forgive our children`s behavior..!!!
It`s more easy..when we recognize ..
in their faces and behavior..our 13s or 18s...!!!!
Become a child again...and understand them...
Forgive them...always with love !!
{thank you for reading me}