Saturday, May 31, 2014

*Not Kidding With Others Feelings*

If you`re not understand my feelings on my writing...
You`ll never learn my abilities in action !!!
Writing comes up from my heart and mind..
But I always..think of them first.. and then typing..!!!!!
If you think that i`m`re wrong..!!
If you think..that i`m playing with others feelings..
You`re wrong..!!!!!!
I am that i`m writing !!!
Like me or not..
Really..i dont give a shit !!!
That`s ME and that will never change !!!
{thank you for reading me}

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

*Never Change !!***

Do ever think to change for anyone !!!!!
They knew you as you are !!!
Let them know you so !!
{thank you for reading me}

Sunday, May 4, 2014

*Try to live Simple*

When we learn to much our wants with our needs...
then we will be pretty happy !!!!
Until then..we will suffer..concidering..
what was that.. that wents wrong with our life !!!
Be simple and enjoy your life as it comes..!!!
We have to try do things that please us...
And brings joy to our living..!!!
The results..worths the trying..!!!
Keep on ..and never give up..!!!
{thank you for reading me}

Thursday, May 1, 2014

*1st of May..The Human Right to work*

A protested Day..!!
 Not for celebrate..but for concider where this world goes..!!
For many of us,
the 1st of May is a protested day..
Not for celebrations..but for memories...
bad the most of them...
There where to have a job to work..
was one of our rights for a better living.
Very serious matter on these days..
But not so much importand to many people now..
They all care about a funny day and only..
They forget all those they`ve got through..
to make all those who sacrifised..
feel that nothing has gone..!!
{in beloved memory of Alex.Panagoulis,The first vistim
of that race !!!}
{thank you for reading me}