*which side...do you prefer ..in your brain...???
that on the right....or that on the left..
to guide you...??
Good choice...is your next success!!!*
Seeing is Believing !!!!
Seeing your Angels with your own eyes..??
is possible.
Actually, you’ve probably caught..
a glimpse of them already.
Have you ever seen something out..
of the corner of your eye...
only to have it vanish when
you look directly at it?
You were not just seeing things…
you were seeing Angels!
Angels are more visible when observed
through our peripheral vision.
It is in this area that the right
or intuitive brain is being activated.
The right brain will perceives images with out judgement.
Thus, anything observed out of the corner of your eye will be seen just as it is.
The left side, however, would like to make sense
of the image and will turn your head to take a deeper look.
In looking directly at the object, it disappears…
or does it?
Sparkles are also a good indication of angel presence,
different angels will be different colors, Michael usually presents as electric blue...
An Angel is more likely to be seen ....
with an intuitive eye or more right brain perception.
You must be able to observe an Angel for exactly what it is without reason.
So, how do we strengthen our right brain muscle....
so that our visions do not vanish with our left brain logic..!!!
{thank you for reading me}