Wednesday, July 31, 2013

***A thankful Prayer***

Because of my strong faith in God..
i`m standing on my feet..!!!
Because of His Grace and Charity...
i`m still alive..!!!!
Because of His will..
i can live my life again...
without fear...for tomorrow what will brings to me...!!! know something..??
I don`t care..!!
Because,I know...
He will protects me...AGAIN...!!!
Thank you Lord..
For the good..and the bad..!!!
For the sadness..cause makes me strong...
And the happiness you brought lately to my life...
For spenting the rests of me....
praising and loving you everyday...
for all these You`ve gifted to me..!!!
Amen !!!

{thank you for reading me}

Monday, July 29, 2013

***Fake Idoles...Ilussions..Faces***

Be careful...what you watch...
May be.. it`s not that you think of..!!
You may watch a nice movie..
but has so stupid end..
and you regret watched it..!!
or...A nice looking face...
that makes your heartbeat running
like crazy..any time you see it...!!!
It`s not always so good that we look at...!!!
Bad manners...Hard or nasty words in speach...
They are proving a person...
if it`s as it looks like...
May see an angel...
but with so black heart and soul...!!!
or may be you saw an ungly face..
but with so pure heart and nice behavior to others..!!
Don`t accept the you look at the mirror...!!
Don`t have the ilussion for an angel beside you,
that may be hold a knife behide your back..
{way of speaking}.
Try to recognize..
from the way they speak to you..
to whome you speak with..!!!
if you don`t like that you feel
deep in your heart...
stop and let go..!!!
Continue your life
without fakes and ilussions..!!
It`s better to step on bad
but straight ground..
than to fly in clouds..
with no sunshine..!!!
Don`t wait sunshine...
if you always have...
the raintears in your eyes..!!!
{thank you for reading me}

***How to Survive Having Pure Heart*** have the feeling..
that the whole Universe is against you..
Nothing is the same..
Nothing can helps you,and nobody...
except yourself..!!
It`s not that easy..
Believe me..I know..!!!
It`s so hard to keep your balance..
with so much dissuster surounded you..!!
To have a good behavior..
not harmed or destroyed
everything that others tried for years
to make for a better living..
I have only some advices to give you..
*{and I do believe on them}*
and keep it in your mind..
*keep your strength...
for the battle
of your own demons !!!
*Let fight for my owns..!!!
*How to SURVIVE..!!!...????
*Do the best you can..!!!
*Not allow to others to break
your dreams and your wishes down..!!!
*It`s your battle..!!!
*It`s your life !!!
And always...remember this:
*Nothing is inpossible...
when you BELIEVE...!!!!*
{thank you for reading me}

Thursday, July 18, 2013

***It`s NOT SEX only that MATTERS in a Good RELATIONSHIP***

It`s not only SEX...!!
 It`s more than this...
 When you feel sometime..
 that you maybe loose forever
your companion..your lover..
 your soulmate in life....
 It`s not only SEX..!!
that keeps you together...!!!
 You`ll realize that...
in a hard situation like
 health problems...
or by loosing a job,one of them...
You will feel it..
with a hard pain into your heart
and as you look at him deeply in his eyes...
when he hurts so much..needing your help..!!

Ohhh !!!! Such a tough feeling...!!!
Like all your world is falling apart...
 and you..
you are in the middle of the nowhere..!!
 You have to do.. something immediately..
or loose everything in a moment..!!!
You have to react !!!
But your feet do`nt obay you...
to run for help...!!
You want to take off the pain..but you cann`t..!!
The only that you can is....
to say how much you love...
and cann`t live without him...!!
Feeling breath easily beside you at night...
 His arms searching for yours...
to embrace you in your sleeping time...!!!
 And stand up....
calling for help..and after awhile...
everything is back to normal again...!!!
 For how long..??
 Only God knows..who tested you again...!!
So keep your faith..keep your strength..!!!
And the difficulties will pass over you..!!
By staying together..everything is...
Well done..!!!
{thank you for reading me}

***A Heart & A Body***

A conversation..between them :
Heart :Do you love me..??
Body : Ofcourse i do..!!
Heart :Then..why you make me cry..??
Body :How i do that !!
Heart :By suffering...!!
Body :Well...All the people do the same...
I quess..
They are suffering and their hearts suffer with them..!!
We are One..Do`nt you ever forget that..!!
Heart could i..??
It`s just,that i can`nt handle so much pain
of yours sometime...
I will not live for long time like know !!!
Body:Then do`nt..!!
Heart:What you mean,do`nt !!
When you are get hurt..i hurt with you...
When you are in love..
i`m in love too..!!
When they harmed you..
they harmed me too..!!!
Body:So...What you sujest me to do..??
Heart: Start love and protect
yourself..then all the others...!!
That would makes me happy and relief..!!
Body:It`s not selfish behavior this ??
Heart:Nop..!! To love first yourself
it`s not selfish my dear..!!!
Because if you love yourself..
it proves that you love me too..!!
And when you love me..
always i`m healthy and strong for you !!
So....Do You Love Me..??
Body:Yes !!!! I do..!!!
{thank you for reading me}
*Love your heart*

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

*Remeber..I Loved You*

For all of us..
may comes a day...
of no return....
If that ever happens.....
remember this,,,,,,
I loved you too much..
and I`ll always Love you....
to ETERNITY..!!!
{p.s.Pay attention in lyrics please}

Monday, July 15, 2013

*Personal experience of speaking...*

*Personal experience of speaking...*
I prefer a tough enemy...
than a fake friend...
pretending that cares..!!!
You can face up an enemy..
or avoid him {it`s up to you..}
but you can face and avoid a friend...
when he seems to be...
honest with you in the past ..!!!
Be careful..who you become friend with..
specially in here..because...
it will comes a day....
and you might regret that you met him/her..!!!
And that will be...
a huge dissaster...for both of you..!!!
So be ware of your friends...
they are not that they look like !!!!
{thank you for reading me}

Thursday, July 11, 2013

*Trying hard make it..the dream cometrue*

That would be happent..on many of you as well..!!!
To try hard..for something ....
you`ve had believed so much at first...
and not have seen..the troubles you may cost on this..!!!
Like a good relationship..
or a good friendship i might say..!!!
You they trated you...and abandon you..
in the middle of the an ungly dog..!!!
How hard and cruel feeling is this !!!! his/her place for a second...!!!
How you should feel about it...
if you were in this position..??
Certainally..i don`t think
you would like it that....
happen to you..isn`t it ???
Well...if...somebody..treates you...
like a beautiful new briglliant toy.....
and after awhile..threw you away...
you`ll be sorry and uppset for the..!!
So don`t treat others..
like you wont treat you one day..!!!
Try to have honest relationships with all..
~relatives or friends~....!!!!
If they don`t have the same faith on you...
as you have on them...
so be it..!!!
You remain their side..
no matter how they respond to your love and kindness..!!
They will learn..some day...
when you`ll useful you were to them...
but they never appreciated all these
you`ve gave them...
with so much love ..and caress...!!!
They might learn..your trying...
to make their dreams to cometrue...
when the only that they could have is....
quilties...and a life time...nightmare..!!!
{thank you for reading me}

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

*Just sharing thoughts*

And here is the truth from someone..
She can and writes it... in public !!!!!!
"People need to start focusing on the message of a quote,
rather than the grammar and spelling mistakes.
I am not perfect and some of the quotes I get online
are written by professionals and their grammar is not perfect.
and I...just put on... some thoughts of mine...
So please....
Stop criticizing and judging and complaining about a quote
with a mis-spelled word or a grammar error.
Focus on the message and not the typos.
Just be happy you are getting quotes.
Sorry I had to say this, but it is the truth....!!!!!
Focus on the message i`ve offered to you...
and not on the mistakes...
or grammar.... or mis-spellings.
Nobody is perfect...!!!!
....Just saying...!!!!!!"
*thank you for reading them anyway*

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

*When..I...really...Love You*

When I..really love you..
I`ll wish you have...
Good health and happiness always..!!!
I`ll respond to what the needs of your soul..
but not for your heregon personality..!!!
I`ll sacrifise my time...
..without the feeling of my sacrifise..
to serve your blooming rights..!!!
To serve your abilities..
To serve your rights..
whatever that might costs to me..!!
Just to watch that you want to be..!!
When I ..really love you...
I`ll be glad ..with your success in life..
like you already are my soulmate !!!
I`ll accept you...
excactly as you are..!!
You`ll be my blossom flower..
a Godness saurce of Holy Energy..
who filt me up...
to my eternal Universe..!!!
When..I really love you..
But..You...are..already know all these..
Cause you are Me...and You !!!
{thank you for reading me}

Friday, July 5, 2013

*for a very good friend*

What if ??
What if..
the years passed over your shoulders..??
what if...
your lovely hair come up grey..??
What if..
you`re not so young to enjoy better your time..??
What if..if..if..if..??
You are still a handsome man or an intelligent woman..
........{depens who`s read this}.......
Your thoughts and reactions are completing your profile..!!!
What if...
You would never get a bunch of money in your pockets..??
That`s a simple question,to all of us i quess..
in these difficult days that we all running to cautch
our benefites for a better living..
What if...
you never winn in a lottery..??
You are already...
The winner of your own life...!!!
{p.s. for a very good friend of mine }
{thank you for reading me}

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

*Gain your Needs*Manage your Likes*

Gain your needs..
and learn how to manage the likes in your life..!!!!
We all want much more that we need ..
but life itself has taught me...
to be more sensitive with these i really need ..
than these i would like to have..
I suppose,we all `ve got difficult times
during our path in this world.
That has no sense to me,if we not learn something
during all these years that came up on our shoulders..!!!!
Did we`ve been more wise..??
We still do and think the same as
before a trouble comes up on us...!!!
Maybe..that stops our falling down for awhile..
but then..we continue that bad rolling to our own dissaster..!!!
no man !!!
It`s not God that he revenge all over you !!!
You can do that,by yourself with no help from him..!!!!
You need less than you spent..but still ask for more..!!!!
You like more than these are useful to you..
so you keep your life in a big trouble..!!!
You..and only You..are the trouble..!!!
If not think and change...
you`ll become a buggler before even know it..!!!
Think and act wissely..!!!
*Keep the balance between your Needs and your Likes*..!!!! day...
you find at last...*where your real happiness is*..!!!
{thank you for reading me}

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

*Always by yourside*

In the morning sun
I hold you close and near..!!
Thankful for each day
you are always here
And my only One....
to share take care..!!
And to enjoy...
all these little things...
that can make...
One love to be so great ..!!
Yours...and mine..!!
{thank you for reading me}